Black colleges and universities (BLCU) have been around for centuries and have played a significant role in the development of minority communities. While they are no longer the only choice for students looking to get a quality education, they remain an important part of the landscape. In this article, we will explore the history of black liberal arts colleges and what makes them so special. We will also discuss some of the ways in which BLCU can help you find your path in life. Don’t wait any longer; read on to learn more about black liberal arts colleges and how they can help you achieve your goals.
What is a Black Liberal Arts College?
A Black Liberal Arts College (BLAC) is a college or university that offers a curriculum that emphasizes the arts and humanities, along with social and political sciences. BLACs were founded in the 1960s as a way for African Americans to have access to higher education without having to attend white colleges and universities. Today, there are over 50 BLACs nationwide.
History of Black Liberal Arts Colleges
The history of black liberal arts colleges can be traced back to the early 1900s when some African American educators organized a group called the Colored Collegiate Institute. This school was established in Cleveland, Ohio and offered bachelor’s degrees in liberal arts and sciences. The first black liberal arts college, Hampton Institute in Virginia, opened its doors in 1912. Today there are over 30 black liberal arts colleges across the United States.
Many of these schools were founded during the days of segregation, as a way for African Americans to obtain an education that was unavailable to them otherwise. Many of these colleges have played a significant role in the development of African American culture and politics. Some of the most well-known black liberal arts colleges include Cheyney University of Pennsylvania, Morgan State University, and Richmond University.
Advantages of Black Liberal Arts Colleges
Black liberal arts colleges offer students a wide variety of majors and concentrations, making these schools good choices for students who want to specialize in one area of study. Many black liberal arts colleges have strong economics, law, and business programs, which can give students a leg up in the job market. And many of these schools have excellent communication and writing programs, which can help students become skilled writers and communicators.
Disadvantages of Black Liberal Arts Colleges
Disadvantages of Black Liberal Arts Colleges
There are many disadvantages to attending a black liberal arts college. First, these colleges tend to be less selective than other types of colleges, meaning that they accept a higher percentage of students. This can lead to a lower quality of education as these schools do not have the same resources and funds that more specialized institutions do. Additionally, these colleges often lack the infrastructure necessary to support large student bodies, which can create difficulty in meeting common needs such as housing and food. Finally, many black liberal arts colleges are located in urban areas, which can make it difficult for students to find jobs after they graduate.
If you’re looking for an excellent liberal arts college that offers a well-rounded education, then Black colleges should definitely be on your radar. These schools are known for their passionate professors and intimate learning environments, which together make them some of the best choices when it comes to obtaining a high-quality education. Check out our list of top black liberal arts colleges to get started!